
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious." 

"A hundred times a day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other people, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the full measure I have received and am still receiving."

–Albert Einstein

This is the heart and root of it all:

Community Collaboration

From the pre-beginnings to the 2019 founding and continuation of the Mind-Body Trauma Care Lab, individuals in the following organizations were/have been instrumental in providing co-authorship contributions and even allowing us to enter their space for fieldwork. Without them or their clients, advancement of the mind-body trauma care literature would not have been possible. Much gratitude and appreciation to those in these groups for supporting and expanding our intellectual growth over the years:

Community Collaboration
Lab logo, which comprises the words "Mind-Body Trauma Care" written in gently-slanted, black front layered on top of overlapping off-gray, almond-shaped, intersecting petals that form an abstract lotus flower

Psychology Family Tree of Mentors & Mentees

Counseling Family Tree_Viann

Faculty Academic Advisors: Ludwig Brand (BA), Hind Beydoun (MPH), Patricia Frazier (MA, PhD)

Senior Research Mentors: James Blando, Christopher Rennix (Fellowship), Cari Clark, Patricia Frazier, Stephanie Misono

Photo Gallery

Past + Present Psychology Colleagues, Mentors, Mentees, & More

* = undergraduate co-author | ^ = graduate co-author

Community Photos