Shannon Halen

Shannon Halen photo, a person wearing a navy blue sweater and a silver necklace with a circular silver charm, medium brown hair with waves and middle parted curtain bangs and green eyes. Shannon is facing forward, smiling with visible teeth, has White/person of European descent skin tones, and is in front of a plain very pale blue/gray background.

Graduate Research Affiliate

Shannon 🔉 is a second-year masters student at the University of St.Thomas pursuing a degree in counseling psychology. She has a wide range of research interests including: the connection of body and mind as it relates to the presentation of mental health conditions, and efficacy of treatment, such as mindfulness, for mood disorders. In her free time Shannon enjoys being outside, running, and spending time with her friends (and dogs).

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Lab logo, which comprises the words "Mind-Body Trauma Care" written in gently-slanted, black front layered on top of overlapping off-gray, almond-shaped, intersecting petals that form an abstract lotus flower